Sunday, December 28, 2008

Buddy Get-Together

We had a great time the Saturday after Christmas over at Brenda and Greg's house for a Buddy Get-Together. We missed The McKenzie's, Trumpler's, Azbell's, Kunkles, and Mark Ledet but they were all with us in spirit and through the photos we looked at during the evening. We laughed so hard and told so many of our crazy stories. Our kids were there as well so we have started quite a "Lttle Buddy" group as well.

Greg took a stab at his Dad's Gumbo recipe. Brenda mad some tasty Pasta Figoli and brandy meatballs. We were all stuffed and ready to leave around 10:00 PM!!!! Boy, have we changed!

Little Buddies!

Christmas 2008

As a said previously, Christmas was bittersweet with he passing of my Father, but we still managed to have a nice Christmas knowing that our Father was in a better place. We spent Christmas at home and all of my children were with me - which was the best gift of all. It was nice to have Kelly with us as our new addition to the family. Andrew also brought his friend Christina.

We had our traditional roast and of course, tamales too! Thank goodness for gift cards! With the rush of the wedding and spending time at the hospital with Daddy, we finally got a chance to shop the MONDAY before Christmas!

Mr. & Mrs. Cody Strange

Well Cody and Kelly are now married and the wedding was absolutely beautiful! Cody's family showed up in full force to show their support and love for the new couple. We are all so happy to have Kelly as a part of our family!