Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cody is Getting Married!!!!

My baby is getting married! I just can't believe it. December 13th is the date and he is marrying such a sweet girl. Her name is Kelly and I could have not picked a nicer girl if I had to have done so all by myself. They will live in Frisco, Texas where they both work.

I Love Dogs!!! Go Figure.

So as you have seen in my blog, we have a little Yorkie named Mia and I treat her just like my baby. I have always been a cat person and I still am. But I do love small dogs.

Well now I have a GodDaughter named Bella. She belongs to a friend and we take care of her when my friend goes out of town.

Just look how cute she is.

I Love Dogs? Go Figure.

So I (Theresa) have always been a cat person and I really still am, but from my blog you can see that I have a little Yorkie named Mia and I just love her. She is now one years old and she is just like my baby.

Well I now have a Goddaughter - Bella. She belongs to a friend and we take care of her when my friend has to go out of town. She is just so cute. Feels like a little rabbit, she is so soft. Mia and Bella play so hard when Bella visits. The cat and our older dog, Diego just tolerate them both!