Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas
from the Family!

Another year has pssed since I last blogged. Lots has happened in our lives.

  • Mark is now working for Legends Healthcare as the Administrator. It's only 20 miles from the house and he loves that.
  • Forrest started middle school and he loves that! Biggest change for Forrest this year is that he is now old enough to wear contacts!
  • Cody has a job as a Young Life Leader in Frisco, TX close to where Rick and Brooke live.
  • Andrew is going to Lamar University and works for the University Press Newspaper.
  • And I am working for a center for children with autism called Including Kids, Inc.

So we are all doing well and happy. We have a new addition to the family - her name is Mia and she is a Yorkie born on November 5, 2007. (OK, I know th picture says 2006, but it has the wrong date).

Hope everyone has a happy and safe new year!