Sunday, December 28, 2008

Buddy Get-Together

We had a great time the Saturday after Christmas over at Brenda and Greg's house for a Buddy Get-Together. We missed The McKenzie's, Trumpler's, Azbell's, Kunkles, and Mark Ledet but they were all with us in spirit and through the photos we looked at during the evening. We laughed so hard and told so many of our crazy stories. Our kids were there as well so we have started quite a "Lttle Buddy" group as well.

Greg took a stab at his Dad's Gumbo recipe. Brenda mad some tasty Pasta Figoli and brandy meatballs. We were all stuffed and ready to leave around 10:00 PM!!!! Boy, have we changed!

Little Buddies!

Christmas 2008

As a said previously, Christmas was bittersweet with he passing of my Father, but we still managed to have a nice Christmas knowing that our Father was in a better place. We spent Christmas at home and all of my children were with me - which was the best gift of all. It was nice to have Kelly with us as our new addition to the family. Andrew also brought his friend Christina.

We had our traditional roast and of course, tamales too! Thank goodness for gift cards! With the rush of the wedding and spending time at the hospital with Daddy, we finally got a chance to shop the MONDAY before Christmas!

Mr. & Mrs. Cody Strange

Well Cody and Kelly are now married and the wedding was absolutely beautiful! Cody's family showed up in full force to show their support and love for the new couple. We are all so happy to have Kelly as a part of our family!

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Cody is Getting Married!!!!

My baby is getting married! I just can't believe it. December 13th is the date and he is marrying such a sweet girl. Her name is Kelly and I could have not picked a nicer girl if I had to have done so all by myself. They will live in Frisco, Texas where they both work.

I Love Dogs!!! Go Figure.

So as you have seen in my blog, we have a little Yorkie named Mia and I treat her just like my baby. I have always been a cat person and I still am. But I do love small dogs.

Well now I have a GodDaughter named Bella. She belongs to a friend and we take care of her when my friend goes out of town.

Just look how cute she is.

I Love Dogs? Go Figure.

So I (Theresa) have always been a cat person and I really still am, but from my blog you can see that I have a little Yorkie named Mia and I just love her. She is now one years old and she is just like my baby.

Well I now have a Goddaughter - Bella. She belongs to a friend and we take care of her when my friend has to go out of town. She is just so cute. Feels like a little rabbit, she is so soft. Mia and Bella play so hard when Bella visits. The cat and our older dog, Diego just tolerate them both!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Fun at the Race Track

OK so I am a little behind on my postings! But recently we (work) had a party at the Sam Houston Race Track, it was fun, it's been a long time since I had been to a track. The bonus was that we got to stay for a concert by Beaumont's own Clay Walker. It was nice to see hime again.

Caryn and Bryce, who are friends of ours from Kingwood also came to the party. We had a good time!

Missing the Beach

What used to stand here? Pelicans and Seagulls sit atop pilings that used to be a pier.
Andrew shot this photo at Crystal Beach. It's so surreal.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Here's Mia!

This little girl just gets cuter and cuter! She almost doesn't look real in this photo.

Hurricane Ike

So for those of you who follow what's going on in our lives, we made it through Hurricane Ike.

Our power came back on 5 days after the Hurricane. Fortunately for us the weather was cool.

Many, many of our neighbors are still without power.

Andrew and his friend evacuated to Kingwood from Beaumont where there is still no power

7 days after the storm. Wednesday has been a good girl. Here is a photo of here hanging out on our couch.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Mia Is Growing

Mia is just so darn cute! We treat her like she is our little baby.

Mia Is Growing

We are treating this little puppy as if she was a baby girl!!! But we can't help it, she is so darn cute!!!!

Mia and Diego get along great!

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Christmas 2007

Merry Christmas
from the Family!

Another year has pssed since I last blogged. Lots has happened in our lives.

  • Mark is now working for Legends Healthcare as the Administrator. It's only 20 miles from the house and he loves that.
  • Forrest started middle school and he loves that! Biggest change for Forrest this year is that he is now old enough to wear contacts!
  • Cody has a job as a Young Life Leader in Frisco, TX close to where Rick and Brooke live.
  • Andrew is going to Lamar University and works for the University Press Newspaper.
  • And I am working for a center for children with autism called Including Kids, Inc.

So we are all doing well and happy. We have a new addition to the family - her name is Mia and she is a Yorkie born on November 5, 2007. (OK, I know th picture says 2006, but it has the wrong date).

Hope everyone has a happy and safe new year!